How PerfDog Can Help You Improve Your Product Quality (Part Two)
It is important to choose the right performance testing tool that ensures your program fulfills the specified user expectation and provides a good user experience.
Overall and Specialized Data
Obtain your gaming performance report on WeTest PerfDog with comprehensive metrics, such as FPS, Jank, FTime, CPU, GPU, Memory, Battery, Network, CTemp, and improve your game’s user experience.
- General indexes: FPS, Jank, Ftime, CPU, GPU, Memory, Battery, Network, Ctemp
- Depth indexes: Engine, CPU scheduling, thread status, function-level time consuming and call stacks, etc.
The accuracy of your performance data is guaranteed. WeTest PerfDog has no impact on the frame rate and only has less than 1% impact on the CPU performance.
Support Team-work
WeTest PerfDog makes your work easier. On WeTest PerfDog, you can easily create tests for your projects and invite your team members to work together on WeTest console.
- Store, visualize, edit, manage, download data whenever & wherever
- Invite members to join the task share & review the progress of the task
WeTest PerfDog is a powerful software that fulfills your mobile performance testing needs. Create your best mobile apps today by identifying and fixing potential performance issues.
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